BJT Equip has from its very inception long held a 3-tier core belief of:

  • Learning
  • Lifting 
  • Leading

To give a more detailed explanation of the above BJT Equip strive to:


BJT Equip consistently investigates by seeking out industry contacts and supplier chains, to invite and have an open conversation to keep across and informed of the ever-changing civil industry. We investigate newly emerging industry best practices, improved methodology and the latest evolution of plant, equipment, and services within the sector.


Refers directly to the implementation of any fit-for-purpose, new best practices, improved methodologies and the bringing into fleet in a timely manner any upgraded plant, equipment, and services. Also taking decisive action to upskill and refresh the skill level of our operators. We do this to ensure overall active safety in every aspect of BJT Equips daily operations. This also provides our valued clients with operators skilled to the highest level, able to safely achieve maximum productivity and outcomes.


Refers directly to recognition from all across the industries of Civil Infrastructure, Residential and Commercial development and through our engagement on the approved panel of suppliers to Government entities of local councils, Transport and Main Roads and RoadTek. BJT Equip are focused on becoming a supplier of choice for plant, equipment, and service together with fast becoming known as an Employer of choice through our stable and long-term team of employees. BJT Equip is known for providing more than just employment or a job, we are known for being an employer that offers a career and a supported pathway of advancement of skills and learning.